Quentin Crisp – the day the musing died

Quentin Crisp

Sadly, Quentin Crisp was well into his dotage by the time he became an acquaintance of mine, and into the very last years of his life when we became what you could call friends. Yet, despite the fact that all of our relationship was conducted either by letter or telephone, the experience of knowing England’s greatest stately homo was both richly rewarding and indelible; still today I cannot help but smile warmly when I think of his timeless quips and the many conversations which took… Go on, read some more.

The curious tale of the smiling coloured light bulbs

coloured bulbs

Ok, so it’s the first post on my new blog. What should it be about? Something profound and spiritual? Something pastoral and enriching? Well, hopefully, all these posts will inspire you to rise above the mundane in life and just get on and enjoy yourselves more, so why should the first one be anything different just because it’s the first one? Now that’s settled, I’ll begin proper. People often say to me that their lives are boring and they don’t see the fun in anything… Go on, read some more.